Activate your Divine Architect Aspects
This is a brand new series of never been released cutting edge Lightbody technology systems gifted by our various Starfamily aspects (Lemurian, Arcturian, Sirian, Telosian & Venusian) and Gaia using sacred geometry, color rays, sound healing and our Christed frequency to forge etheric temples and light chambers. Our galactic families invite us to embrace 5d Light installations within and embody our “Architecturist” aspects as they call them. Instead of light fixtures, we collect light systems! These are consciousness expansion systems for presence or mindfulness, increased connection with higher self and guides, emotional witnessing & processing as well as energy work healing techniques.
You will learn how to work with these tools to embody the Divine Architect, strengthen your self love and build your Reality. This is the first time we are sharing these publicly after receiving the technology and working with it for several years first.
These are StarLightbody Technology quantum energy activations for you to download and keep which combine guided meditation, light technology of color and sound, geometric lightbody installations/upgrades for healing, alignment, & quantum decision-making to name a few uses. These 2 out of 4 activations include the following light systems gifted from various Starfamily and Gaia to activate new technology of your lightbody, healing gifts and beyond!
1. Activate your Divine Architect, consciously code the blueprints. This is a Daily tune up and field build out to support your reality and Divinely designed architecture
2. Dodecahedron golden plasma crystalline geometry chamber for Divine Love, Relationships, Energy of distraction clearing & Alignment from the Telosians