Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to this course

    2. Resources & how to thrive with this course

    1. Number & letter codex guide

    2. Divine Triangle worksheet

    3. Golden Ratio, Pi & The correlation between spiral dynamics & 1.618034 ?

    4. Read The Pythia -Oracle of Delphi article

    5. Numerology & Divine Triangle book ~pdf downlood

    1. Opening the etheric mystery school of numerology activation ~Required before you begin the presentation material

    2. Watch Course presentation video on demand

    3. Exploring the spiritual codex of numbers ~Esoteric Numerology audio activation

    4. Course presentation slides

    1. Gifted membership ~Tai Qi Gung A Kriya siddha energy science, becoming real life Jedi

    2. How was this experience for you?

    3. Mentorship opportunity ~Rose Sophia Oracle training temple arts Level 1

    4. Special offer ~$50 off~ Soul sessions for one on one support

    5. Stay connected! Subscribe to our newsletter

About this course

  • $222.00
  • 16 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content